A complaint is an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction about any matter reasonably connected with the services provided by our clinic.
A complaint which is made orally and is resolved with 24hours will be recorded as locally resolved in the Complaints Register.
Where the complaint relates to a breach of statutory regulations and the organisation is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) patients can contact the CQC on:
03000 616161 or via https://www.cqc.org.uk/
Information and guidance are available on how to complain and accessible to everyone who uses our clinic.
Our complaints procedure is designed to make sure that we settle any complaints as quickly as possible.
This policy is in compliance with: https://www.cqc.org.uk/guidance-providers/regulations-enforcement/regulation-16-receiving-acting-complaints
The aims of this policy and procedure is that complaints made by our patients or their representatives are listened to and acted upon effectively by:
Our aim is to give our patients the highest possible standard of service and we try to deal with all the complaints as quickly as possible.
A complaints notice is available for all our patients
If required, we will ensure it is also available in appropriate languages and formats to meet the needs of the patients using the service. We will also use services of qualified translators if required.
Patients are asked that in the event of any complaint, to speak or write to the practice manager.
Patient/s who require further advice regarding the complaints process will be supported by ourselves.
A copy of the complaints process is held in the clinic.
We shall acknowledge complaints within 2 working days and aim to have considered the complaint closed within 20 days of the date when it was raised, subject to no barriers in completing the investigations.
A full response will be made within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint (if this not possible a letter, explaining the reason for the delay will be sent to the complainant and a full response will be made within 5 working days of the conclusion of the process).
We shall offer an explanation, or a meeting as appropriate. If there are any delays in the process, we will keep the complainant informed.
Any complaint received will be investigated and necessary and proportionate action be taken in response to any failure identified by the complaint or investigation.
We operate an effective and accessible system for identifying, receiving, recording, handling and responding to complaints by our patients and other persons in relation to the carrying on of the regulated activity.
We ensure our patients are able to make a complaint to any member of staff, either verbally or in writing
All staff are trained on how to respond when they receive a complaint.
Unless they are anonymous, all complaints should be acknowledged whether they are written or verbal.
Complainants will not be discriminated against or victimised. In particular, people's care and treatment will not be affected if they make a complaint, or if somebody complains on their behalf.
When we consider a complaint, we shall aim to:
At the end of the investigation, the complaint will be discussed with the complainant in detail, either in person or in writing.
If the complaint is received on behalf of someone else, the rules of patient confidentiality will be kept.
A note signed by the person concerned will be needed unless they are incapable (because of illness) of providing this to allow the complaint to be investigated.
All complaints whether written or verbal will be documented.
We will try to retain all complaints at a local level as escalating a complaint can result in a patient not returning.
In some cases, it may be appropriate to waive fees or offer a refund.
We will make the Complaints Policy accessible to patients and relatives:
Complainants will be notified of the outcome of their complaint and any actions taken as a result of the complaint immediately upon conclusion of the process.
Depending on the type of complaint received and if escalated to CQC, we will provide when requested to do so and by no later than 28 days:
A register will be kept of complaints containing the following information:
All correspondence relating to a complaint will be kept for 5 years.
A register will be kept of all complaints including appropriate details, including outcome.
A quarterly audit of complaints will be produced detailing the nature and outcomes of complaints and a quarterly summary of complaints will be discussed at staff meeting and shall include:
We will monitor all complaints over time, looking for trends and areas of risk that may be addressed and share lessons learnt with all staff.
If the complaint is regarding the Director of the clinic, then this will be referred to the external adviser, Dr Alex Zarneh alex@chelbournelpa.com who will decide on how to progress the complaint.
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